If you are anything like the typical homeowner, you may often find yourself asking about the best time of day to mow your Lawn. To help answer that question, general rules are: do not use your lawn mower when the grass is wet or damp or during the heat of the day.

Mowing your lawn while it is wet or damp causes your lawn mower work much harder and leads to the cutter housing getting congested. Water adds extra weight to the grass, so the lawn mower’s engine must exert more effort to cut wet grass.

As the wet grass is cut, it attaches to the insides of the cutter housing and eventually hinders the cutting blade’s movement. This places additional stress on your motor. Mowing wet grass reduces the efficiency and life of your lawn mower, and makes regular upkeep even more important.

Additionally, your Lawn Mower will not produce a clean finish cut and will pull wet grass instead of actually cutting it, leaving your lawn to appear less than ideal.

It is important to note that using your lawn mower during the heat of the day is disadvantageous. The edges of the grass will be parched and turn brown, which prevents that nice green finished look to be achieved.

Best Times to Mow

9 am – 11 am

The sun is higher in the sky between the hours of 9 am -11 am, which allows the grass to dry from early morning dew. It is early enough for you to evade the heat of the day and use your lawn mower when being outdoors is still comfortable.

5 pm – 7 pm

Between the hours of 5 pm and 7 pm would be the next best time to mow your lawn. The temperature would have already cooled down, and less stressful on your lawn. Mowing in the late afternoon helps eliminate fungal diseases that can seriously damage the grass.


Worst Times

6 am – 8 am

At this time, grass will still be wet with dew, which can help clog your lawn mower. Additionally, if the ground is too wet, your mower will leave tracks. Not only does this look bad, but it can potentially damage your lawn.

2 pm – 4 pm

This is generally the hottest time of day. The heat will cause turf stress and cause your mower to overheat, thus adversely affect its life and efficiency.

If you are looking for small engine repair services in Ottawa, mobile car battery boosting, lawn mower and lawn tractor repairs and tune-ups, or snow blower repairs then give us a call to book your mobile small engine repair today. We fix, repair, and tune-up small engines such as lawn mowers and snow blowers. The best part is that we come to you so no more waiting in line or travelling back and forth to fix your small engine equipment.