Driving in fog can be safe if you know how to do it. Driving is all about what you can see and if you’re driving when visibility is reduced, that’s one of the most dangerous things you can do. Visibility generally becomes restricted due to dense fog. We have compiled some great tips on driving in fog to ensure you arrive safe every time and stay on the road. It is equally important to have the right tires for the weather you drive in and if you haven’t switched your tires we can help with our mobile tire service in Ottawa. Fog is basically made up of tiny particles of moisture suspended in the air, in other words it’s like a cloud that forms at ground level when the temperature falls far enough for the air to become saturated and water vapor in the air condenses to form suspended water droplets. At night, visibility can be even worse as the water particles reflect the light from headlights, and street lights, creating glare. Really and truly the best advice for driving in fog is to not drive at all. If you absolutely have to drive for whatever reason, here are a few tips to help you reduce the risk: If you find yourself in a fog, don’t hesitate to pull safely off the road. Park with the low-beam headlamps and hazard lights flashing, until it clears and is safer for you to drive. Use the wiper setting to sweep away water on the outside of the glass and direct enough defroster air to the inside of the windshield and side windows to prevent them from fogging. Take deep breaths ever so often, the extra oxygen you take in will sharpen your vision temporarily and help you relax. Blinking keeps the surface of the eye clean and lubricated and works the muscles of the eye. Ensure that all of your lights are on, even if it’s not dark. Other vehicles need to be able to see you. Burnt brake lights and headlights are a safety hazard as well. Make sure all of your lights are in working order. Bear in mind that fog conditions can be very unpredictable. They may get dramatically worse without warning so be alert. Don’t drive faster than you can and stop if you can’t see further ahead. Don’t try passing other vehicles because you may not be able to see stopped or oncoming vehicles, even with their lights on. Keep your distance from the vehicles ahead of you, if they do something unexpectedly you need to have enough space and reaction time. Stay alert and keep an eye open for any parked or unlit cars or pedestrians that may be on the road. Make use of the painted lines or the edge of the road as guidelines. Never brake abruptly, do it gently and early so your brake lights warn drivers behind. Pay attention to any sign of slippage when braking as fog can sometimes form ice on the road surface. Looking at the tail-lights of the car ahead to lead the way? Bad idea, you can’t rely on that. If it goes off the road you’ll follow it right off the road. The roads in Ottawa can be slippery and it can be easy to lose control of your vehicle if all of the factors line up such as using the wrong tires for the season or old and worn out tires plus the reduced visibility from fog that can impact your ability to predict when you need to stop or maneuver around an object. Our mobile tire service in Ottawa can help keep you on the road by changing your tires when they are worn out as well as switching your tires after a blow out or punctured tire and of course with seasonal tire changes that you do between winter/summer etc. Burnt headlights and brakelights can also cause a real problem, not just for you, but for other vehicles. Take a moment to make sure all of your lights are in working order. Need help changing a difficult bulb, give us a call. We are proficient with all makes and models. The best part is that keeping you safe doesn’t even impact your day because we come to you wherever you are and we change your tires and provide mobile tire service while you are on the road, in your driveway or at your work place. Give us a call for mobile tire service to take care of the major component that helps keep you on the road.