Lawn Mower Problems. Your lawn could really do with a good old haircut, but your lawn mower doesn’t seem up to the task. Sigh, maybe you should cut it next week…or NOT! Fix it right now, before the ankle-height grass grows to reach your shoulders. See what the problems are and give us a call immediately. We’re going to help you get an idea of the different problems that may cause your lawn mower to stop functioning properly, so that you can quickly identify them and maybe even fix them yourself. Cold temperatures can cause fuel that is ethanol-based to become a kind of gel-like texture and this may result in a clogged carburetor, thus stopping your lawn mower from starting.. Other clogged, broken or rusted mower parts can stop it from starting too.. You may need a professional lawn mower tune-up. The spark plugs are replaced and so is the air filter. The mower blades will be sharpened and the gas and oil will be changed.. You should know that if your gas is a month old, you shouldn’t use it. Empty it out and put in some new gas. When your gas stays in your mower for a long time, without being used, it loses its volatility.. You should also make sure your oil is the right color. If it looks dark black, it’s time to change it. You should probably check it and change it after about 25 – 50 hours of use.. You can spend less than $20 to get a new filter for your lawn mower, so there’s no excuse for you to not change it every year. A filter is one of the things that may get clogged and cause problems with your mower.. Your dirty filter can cause carbon to build up on the cylinder and the spark plug, until the spark plug stops working.. A disconnected spark plug may be the reason for your lawn mower not starting. Get a new one for less than $10 and replace it.. Maybe you think you need a little help with this too. You can come to us for help. Also, if you are looking for mobile vehicle services in Ottawa, battery boosting, tire changes, oil changes, or mobile car repairs, give us a call! Book your mobile vehicle services today! We also repair and tune-up small engines such as lawn mowers and snow blowers. Even better, we come to you, so no more waiting in line or traveling back and forth to fix your vehicles and small engine equipment.